Discover Gloversville’s Heroes When Exploring Downtown
Memorial Day is upon us, a day to honor those who died while on active duty in the military. Many also take this holiday as a time to pay tribute to all of our loved ones who served our nation.
One way to honor our military members is to attend Gloversville’s parade and services on May 27, starting at 9:30 a.m. The parade route will start at the corner of Sixth Avenue and North Main Street, head to Kingsboro Avenue where it will continue on to Prospect Hill Cemetery. A service will then be held with the placement of wreaths at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.

Other ways to honor while exploring the city, is to visit the Fulton County Museum, located at 237 Kingsboro Ave., as it has an exhibit dedicated to those from Fulton County who served their country. The memorabilia and military displays include exhibits on World Wars I and II. Click here for hours.

Don’t forget to make a stop at the Doughboy statue on North Main Street at Estee Park. Sculptor Karl Illva created the 107th Infantry Memorial in New York City’s Central Park, as well as creating Glovesville’s “The Thinking Doughboy” that has been standing guard over the city since 1923. To learn more about it, visit

While Downtown, be sure to view the Hometown Hero Banners that are proudly hung on Main and Fulton streets. The individuals on display are ones who left the comfort of their homes and the care of their loved ones with the commitment to honor their country with any sacrifice needed to ensure our citizens continue to enjoy our liberties, freedoms and rights.
Located on West Fulton Street, two banners salute the “West Enders” U.S. Army Air Corps Cpl. Louis C. Leo and U.S. Navy Seabees CM1 Andrew Renda Sr. Andrew served in the Navy Seabees from 1942 to 1945. Prior to World War II, private contractors created naval bases, but World War II showed a need for a militarized construction outfit and the Seabees were tasked with building bases. His son Charlie said Andrew Sr. “enlisted, leaving behind a wife. Before enlisting, he was a glove cutter for a local glove shop. After returning home in 1946, he went into business with his father, building and remodeling houses in the hometown area, as 'S. Renda and Son'."

When discussing her father who served in the Army from 1945 to 1946, Charlotte Leo wrote about Louis, “I am in awe of the fact that Dad enlisted, considering that he left behind a wife, and a desire to start a family.” Louis was listed as an engine lathe operator at the time of enlistment and upon his return, he re re-entered the work force as a cutter for a local leather industry manufacturer. He never had the chance to complete his high school studies, Charlotte reported, and thereby received a high school diploma under the auspices of the Operation Recognition program.

One banner, located near the Fulton-Montgomery Regional Chamber of Commerce at 2 N. Main St., salutes Pvt. Harold Wilmot, the first Fulton County soldier to die in World War I. Outside of the American Legion Post 137 building at 200 N. Main St. is a New York State historic marker noting the post was named after this young man. “Established on July 19th, 1919, in Gloversville, New York, Post 137 of the American Legion was named in honor of Private Harold Wilmot, an American Marine who lost his life while serving in France during World War I. The NYS historic marker commemorates Post 137, which has been in continuous operation since 1919 ... Shortly after the American Legion was established in Paris, France in March of 1919, the Gloversville Post was chartered in honor of his legacy,” according to the William G. Pomeroy Foundation at

Pfc. Mario Albanese served in World War II and was given the French Legion Medal of Honor by then French President Hollande, in recognition of his service to the French during World War II. Learn more about him and some of the other Gloversville heroes in profiles at https://www/ All of the banners also have an online presence and can be viewed at
Gloversville is rich with history. Be sure to learn more about it and the individuals who are a part of it, as well as their dedication to our country.
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Discover Downtown Gloversville