Downtown Gloversville
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)
The City of Gloversville is an active, small city steeped in history and surrounded by natural beauty. Connecting the community’s neighborhoods, parks, and historic downtown is the Cayadutta Creek which once helped link several major glove manufacturers and seating Gloversville’s place on the world stage.
Today the creek is clean and is an important recreational and natural asset for city residents and visitors. The Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville (FJ&G) Rail Trail parallels the Cayadutta Creek providing access and connecting the city to the surrounding region. Gloversville’s museums, art galleries, restaurants, and shops are complemented by regional destinations including the Glove Theater, Parkhurst Field, and a Carnegie Library contributing to place people are proud to call home.
As a regional economic engine, Gloversville is ideally situated as the southern gateway to NY State’s Adirondack Mountains and on close proximity to major urban centers.
The LWRP inventories and describes existing natural and man-made resources and conditions within the waterfront area and analyze waterfront issues, opportunities and constraints to development and resource protection needs. Through the LWRP, the City of Gloversville created a vision for the future of the Cayadutta by reflecting community census and providing a clear direction for appropriate future development. To learn more, watch this video here.
Potential projects within the LWRP include:
* Independent Leather Site, transforming from a former tannery to viable property such as a potential housing project. Click here to view the brownfield site entering Phase II of an Enviromental Assessment.
* The former Reisdorf Mill site can be redeveloped into a recreational property, one possibility being a bike park. Learn more about the site by clicking here and view the bike park concept here.