Downtown Gloversville

Become a Stakeholder in the Downtown Gloversville Community
Downtown Gloversville is a great place to work and live in as this compact city contains all the essentials of a vibrant community. Located in the heart of Fulton County, Downtown Gloversville supports businesses by honoring its past and investing in its future. Our goal is to help developers choose Gloversville as the place where you want to grow your team and become a stakeholder in the community.

Per the 2020 U.S. Census, there are just over 15,000 people living in the City of Gloversville. The city is an estimated 5 square miles. The median age is 38.6 years. Learn more about Gloversville's demographics by clicking here.

Approximately 3,400 people commute into the City for work. Around 5,300 residents commute to jobs outside of the City, and 1,067 both live and work in the City. Average commuter time is 23 minutes. For education, labor force and employer data, visit here.

Convenient Location
Gloversville is a wagon wheel with its convenient location to many cities. Within 20 minutes, travelers can get on the NYS Thruway and be to Albany and NYC in an afternoon. Learn more by clicking here.

Walkable City
Employees can get needed errands done on lunch hours, including banking, picking up prescriptions, shopping and eating. To learn more about what stores and services are available, click here.

Space Availability
There are several opportunities for business and housing developers to purchase, as well as office and small store locations available in the Downtown Core to rent. Click here to find opportunities.

Downtown Amenties
Gloversville has many amenities to offer in the Downtown Core from Airbnb's, bank, stores, pharmacy and more. There are several public parking lots located near Main Street. To learn more, click here.

Nearby Biking Trails
Bicycling is one of the fastest growing types of outdoor recreation and Gloversville welcomes cyclists to pedal the paths through the Glove City. To learn more, click, here.

Cottage Industries
Gloversville welcomes cottage industries, also known as light manufacturing, which emphasize unique and quality products with local flavors and designs. To learn more, click here.